Varunam Super Speciality Hospital

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Orthopaedics Services

Knee Replacement
This is a surgical procedure which replace the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve pain.
Total Knee Replacement
Total Knee Replacement is very rewarding surgery for advance arthritis of knee joint.
Partial Knee Replacement
Knee Arthritis is a common problem which requires management based on…
Hip Replacement
total hip replacement surgery hospital in Nagpur
The most common disease affecting the hip joint is AVN, (Avascular Necrosis). In advance stage of…

Paediatrics Services

Lactation Counseling
Support mothers to successfully breastfeed their babies and teach techniques…
Breastfeeding Challenges
Breastfeeding can be challenging, especially in the early days. But remember that you…
Newborn Care
In the hospital, a routine evaluation called the Apgar test is used to identify whether a baby needs…
Pediatric Consultation
Pediatric consultation is a common medical process that involves the assessment and diagnosis…

At Varunam,

We are proud & delighted to have served countless patients with a excellent results.
We aim to provide the highest level of expertise and evidence based result oriented care in a very accessible, approachable and affordable manner.
Superspeciality Centre for Medical and Surgical Care

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